Jumuiya Women Fund

Impact Investing

Empowering Economic Change: Impact Investing for Women

Women in Africa are still less inclined than men to invest. This gender inequality in finance is a global problem that limits not only women's financial opportunities but also their potential to influence a better future for the planet. Despite their potential to participate in the financial markets, women`s involvement rates remain suboptimal for several complex reasons in the Horn of Africa The growth of women-owned enterprises is limited by their lack of awareness and understanding of private equity. Looking at the issue of access to finance, it is clear that financing options in Kenya are very limited and dominated by traditional mechanisms such as banks and microfinance institutions.

Our Solutions

Jumuiya Women Fund is committed to taking action that will change the economic landscape of women in the region. JWF aims to work with financial institutions to give women privileged access to modern financial instruments for inclusive economic development.
The fund aims to:

To achieve these objectives set by JWF, three distinct vehicles have been thought of, and are being used or put in place.

Objectives Financial Vehicle Characteristics
Create a platform for women to participate in and shape the financial markets in the region
Women Investment Club
Saving management investment vehicle
Generate broader impact by supporting the growth of businesses that are owned/managed by women
JWF Syndicate Fund
Creation of investment alternatives between venture capital and angel investing
JWF has decided to focus on start-ups and microenterprises by putting in place a vehicle that is better suited to them: a syndicated investment fund, while at the same time continuing to set up the private Equity Fund
Women`s Investment Fund
Investment in SMEs with a "gender lens" approach